Being able to own a piece of land and building a home to secure your family's future brings peace of mind .
If you are looking to buy land here's why you should go for serviced plots: Over the last couple of months, some property owners in Nairobi lost millions of money when their buildings which were constructed in riparian land were demolished by the government .
So how can you avoid being in such a situation? Here's how: Go for a serviced plot / land .
A serviced plot in simple terms is a plot or a vacant piece of land that is ready for development with social amenities available .
As a property investor looking to build your home, this is the kind of property you need to go for .
Serviced plots like those provided by Fanaka real estate already have access to all the amenities you might need to immediately start building your home .
The plots have access to all weather roads, water, and electricity We can, therefore, define a serviced plot a piece of land that has all the infrastructures one might need to immediately start the construction of his or her house .
Where can one find serviced land? The best way to find a serviced land is by buying through a real estate company .
Most of these companies will often buy large chunks, subdivide them, and develop them by providing roads, water, electricity and sewer lines .
All this is done with the help of land surveyors and relevant government agencies .
When looking to buy a real estate property, the first thing you need to do is to go for a site visit .
If you love the place and prefer investing in it, you will then need to do a land search just to make sure everything checks out .
>What to look out for when buying a serviced plot: Needs are relative, what you might consider basic might be secondary to someone else's .
Therefore, you need to gauge your need to ensure that the area has all the basic needs you and your family might need .
Secondly, depending on what you seek to build, you need to ensure that your construction plans and all the related paperwork are in line with both the central and county government requirements .
Other specific requirements can be tailored for specific uses and market segment .
In most cases, these will vary from one developer to another depending on who their target markets .
Some of these infrastructure may include a golf course, recreational parks, and shopping malls .
>The benefits of investing in serviced land Serviced plots are aimed at those who seek to build immediately .
As explained, these plots are often fitted with the entire infrastructure you as a home developer might be looking for .
So, what benefits do you get when investing in buying a serviced plot? 1 .
Reduced cost of construction Construction often goes in steps, the more the steps, the more the costs involved .
Most serviced plots are ready to build and hence cut down on the process required, this lower the total cost you might use to build your home .
2 .
Availability of social amenities Buying a serviced plot ensure easy access to most basic social amenities .
3 .
Easy transfer of ownership In Kenya, after land is subdivided and serviced, most real estate companies will ensure that each plot has its own title deed .
This makes it easier during the transfer process once the plot has been paid for in full .
4 .
Construction can start immediately After purchasing a serviced land, you do not have to wait for long before constructing; this can be done almost immediately .