Why Look At The Value Rather Than Cost When Buying Land?

Why Look At The Value Rather Than Cost When Buying Land?

Understanding Value Propositions In Land Investment

What is a value proposition? A value proposition can be described as a commitment or promise of value to be delivered to clients by an organization.

 In marketing, however, it can be described as a service or a feature intended to make a product or a company attractive to prospective clients. Most, if not all, companies have value propositions that make them stand out from their competitors.

Key Value Propositions in Real Estate

Ready Titles

Before releasing projects into the market, the company should ensure the projects have ready titles available for clients.

 By doing so, they build a relationship of trust by providing the mother title for the search process to ensure that the parcel of land does belong to the company before they start the payment process.

 When dealing with land, it is paramount to ensure that all necessary documents are provided when needed to make the transaction smooth and easy.


It is paramount to be keen when it comes to picking projects. Real estate companies should ensure that the roads leading to the projects are well-graded and easily accessible by any means of transport.

 They can work towards ensuring that the roads are all-weather roads, thus guaranteeing that even if it pours, you will still be in a position to access your parcel of land without any hindrance whatsoever.


Aside from having amazing discounts on projects from time to time, most firms also offer flexible installment plans at the convenience of their clients.

 These installment plans can stretch for as long as twelve months, allowing the client to plan and pay slowly without having to financially strain themselves. 

Owning a piece of land, especially now, can be quite hectic and costly, and it is the aim of most real estate firms to ensure they provide as many people as possible with the right parcel that they can one day call home.

Affordability of Construction Material

The most expensive process of building would be the buying of construction materials. Along Kangundo road, there are quite a number of hardware stores that provide affordable material.

Firms such as Fanaka have a variety of projects that are strategically located around such businesses, enabling clients to reduce transportation costs to their plots.

Developed Neighborhoods

Considering that Fanaka's furthest project is 3.5 KM off the main road, it is safe to say that they have hand-picked them all and ensured that they are located in close proximity to already developed or developing centers.

 This is to ensure safety as well as appreciation of your parcel of land once bought, as the developments around cause the land to appreciate in value.

Availability of Social Amenities

You should look out for social amenities being in close proximity to your plots to cater to the needs of you and your family. Such amenities include schools, hospitals, banks, police posts, supermarkets, and fresh grocery stores that are easily accessible.

That being said, it is safe to say that the value you are being offered holds much more weight as compared to the price. When buying a parcel of land, take note of the value propositions that are being offered by the firm you are dealing with.

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