We have employed a number of Precautionary measures to ensure you our clients and staff are well protected when coming to view any of our property .
To help curb the spread of the COVID -19 Coronavirus, we encourage our staff and clients to; Regularly wash their hands as per the Ministry of Health and WHO guidelines  Sanitize regularly Wear facemasks approved by the Ministry of Health Ensure a social distance of not less than 1 .
5 meters apart Avoid Social Gatherings and or crowded places Working Environment All of our staff are at the forefront by ensuring they wear facemasks always especially when attending to our clients .
we encourage all our clients who visit our office to ensure that they also wear facemasks to ensure both them and our staff operate in a safe environment We have provided water and sanitizers at our office doorstep to ensure everyone who comes to the office wash their hands and sanitize before entering .
In the office, we have an arrangement of chairs which ensures a social distance of 1M or more is kept .
Our office is also fumigated regularly to ensure the safety of everyone who visits .
Precautionary Measures During Site Visits We normally take our clients for field visits daily Monday to Saturday for free, at the moment to help fight the spread of this Covid-19 epidemic, we have put measures forth to ensure our clients remain safe during and after the field visits .
1 .
Face masks Fanaka real estate encourages everyone who is involved in the field visit to put on their facemasks .
This is a mandatory thing since it ensures the safety of each person participating in the visit .
This goes for both the staff and the client attending the visit .
2 .
Social Distance We have put regulations that ensure we do not crowd our clients as well as our staff during these visits .
We ensure that a car carries only one client per visit .
At the same time, we do not encourage crowding even at the field since we only take a small number of clients who can participate in the visit .
We also ensure that we maintain at least 1m apart social distance at the field 3 .
Hand washing When going for the field visit, we ensure our staff and the clients wash their hands before entering the vehicle .
We do this before and after the visit to ensure we are at the forefront of fighting coronavirus .
4 .
Sanitizing We are determined to make sure that our clients remain safe, in that regard, we ensure both our staff and clients sanitize properly before and after the site visit .
We have strategically place hand sanitizers in all entry points to our office and each of the vehicles taking clients for physical site visits .
Stay safe and remember you can always book for a physical site visit to any of our property any day of the week Monday to Saturday, get in touch with us via a Call, Text or WhatsApp 0799001155 https://wa .