Pros And Cons Of A Gated Community

Pros And Cons Of A Gated Community
While some people prefer a personalized setting of housing, others opt for a gated community .

  The truth is that the gated community setting of housing comes with its own share of benefits and downsides .

What does it mean to be gated? What constituted a gated community .

A gated community is simply a residential setting that is characterized by strict control of entry and exit of people, bicycles and cars .

Perimeter walls surrounding the entire property area further characterize the said residential setting .

In most cases, the gated community comes with a set of rules, which the residents and visitors must adhere to .

The Benefits of Gated Community Among the benefits enjoyed in a gated community include: Sense of Security Considering that the movements in and out of the gated community are closely monitored, there emanates the sense of security among the residents .

Do gated communities have cameras? Yes .

Most of the gated communities have cameras and a control center where those responsible for security do their monitoring .

With such, it is possible to detect any security threat and act accordingly .

However, it is not all gated communities have cameras .

Reduction in Crime Do gated communities reduce crime? Yes .

One of the ways in which crime is reduced in gated communities is that residents become keepers of each other .

In fact, individuals living in gated communities are usually familiar with each other, since it is more or a family form of relationship formed .

With such connections, it is easy for residents to raise an alarm should an instance of crime emanate .

Privacy The fact that a gated community exists within perimeter fences and that there is close monitoring of activities at the various gates brings out the sense of privacy .

Anyone entering a gated community feels that the environment is private .

  Moreover, it becomes possible to conduct personal activities and operations without interference with the outside world .

The Drawbacks of Gated Community Among the cons of gated communities include: Expensive Houses Considering that gated communities come with additional benefits as compared to other regular establishments, the amount of money that each house goes for is remarkably high .

Gated communities are therefore not within the limits of affordable housing .

Strict Rules Some of the rules applicable in a gated community may be an inconvenience to some people .

For instance, there may be the rule of painting houses in a specific color .

  Aside from that, there may be strict regulation of trash collection and disposal .

In as much as the rules are meant to create the right environment, they may not be in the taste of all individuals .

Invasion of Privacy Through Constant Monitoring Monitoring of activities is definitely a great idea for security purposes .

However, the sense that the guards know every person who pays you a visit is in itself an invasion of privacy .

Can police patrol gated communities? This is usually not the case but it may be necessary for instances of security threats .

In essence, close monitoring is not entirely friendly to privacy .

Conclusion Looking for a house in a gated community? Fanaka Real Estate Limited is here to help you with just that, at the friendliest deals ever .

Weighing the pros and cons of gated communities is definitely important but we can help you with your choice .


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Discounted Cash Price of Kes. 5.5M