The process officially commenced in Nairobi County after three years since the strategies were put in place .
Other parts of the country are expected to be digitized by December 2022 but below, let’s talk about why the government decided to launch Ardhisasa .
Curbing Fraud and other forms of malice Since Independence, land has been an emotive matter, owing to historical injustices, fraud, and the manipulation of land documents at Ardhi House .
Government land for instance for a long time has been subject to looting and fraud but with the new system in place, the government has managed to secure state-owned land from looters and fraudsters .
Read Also a .
 Different Types Of Title Deeds In Kenya And How To Do A Land Search 4 reasons why you need to buy land within Nairobi Metropolitan The system ensures that any land purchases made are genuine and legal to minimize the never-ending complaints from the public .
It will resolve land problems as it will provide an updated verified database of easily available land records .
Ease of Access to Information and land databases .
Ardhisasa is an online platform that will allow Kenyans and other interested parties to access land information and processes undertaken by the Kenyan government .
It has been designed jointly by the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning (MoLPP) and the National Land Commission (NLC) to allow for the lodgment of applications for various services offered by the Ministry and the Commission .
With just the click of a button, you can carry out all land transactions at the comfort of your own home .
Simplify services .
The Digitalized land recording system will streamline land transactions and ownership easing the frustrations of property owners and buyers such as queueing for long hours at land offices countrywide .
The system will also be integrated with service numbers to simplify services .
The new digital system will minimize overcrowding inland offices as people go about conducting their due diligence .
Ensure Uniformity .
The new digital system is set to prevent or minimize delays, double allocations, loosing of legal land documents, and other inconveniences .
All the parcels will be required to migrate to one regime, the Registry Index Maps (RIMS), replacing deed plans as registration instruments for Land .
It will ensure there is uniformity of land ownership in Kenya .